About Lin
Growing up in New York and Wisconsin in a family of artists and teachers, I learned the value of education, creativity, humor, inquiry, and service to others. As a small child, I was sensitive to others’ wellbeing, and curious about what made people tick. When asked what I was going to be when I grew up, I said that I wanted to be a social worker or a psychologist. After decades of working in the arts and studying art, healing, and human nature, I benefitted from attending a series of personal growth seminars, and realized during my mid-life years that I had acquired the experience, perspective, and insight needed to follow my early childhood dream and become a professional counselor. After returning to college with this renewed goal, I received a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and a Masters in Counseling Degree from Sonoma State University, and am now licensed as both a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (CA # 92501), and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (CA #7091).
I have been fortunate to have some brilliant, inspiring teachers. Under the mentorship of the late Dr. Mark Doolittle, I interned at SOS Community Counseling in Santa Rosa, providing free and low-fee counseling to under-served community members. I have also worked at several local elementary schools as a grade school counselor, facilitating play and art therapy, while constantly learning from the compassionate staff and resilient, resourceful students. In addition to my private practice in downtown Sonoma, I currently work part time as a school-based counselor as part of the Social Emotional Learning and Wellness team at the Sonoma Charter School, helping students from Kindergarten through eighth grade.
I have worked as a graphic artist, and as an artists’ publicist and representative for musicians, filmmakers, and recording producers, and since 1993 have had my own business painting silk wearable art. The meditative process of painting silk is very healing for me, and the scarves and clothing I paint are intended to carry a feeling of peace, confidence and inspiration to the person who wears them. I have delighted in conversations with visitors in my silk art booth at street markets and fairs, from the Central Coast to Sonoma County, and the many wonderful people who returned over the years to see my new art and continue our conversations have inspired me to follow my dream to become a professional therapist, so I can participate in deeper conversations – dedicated to the healing, transformation, personal growth and evolution of my counseling clients.
Utilizing art, play, open-minded “out-of-the box” thinking, and respectful listening, I specialize in working with women and children of all ages. I appreciate the opportunity to be a sounding board, support, advocate and collaborative co–creator of change for people struggling with becoming free of both inner and outer obstacles to progress in realizing their goals and visions. I am delighted to be able to blend both the art and science of psychotherapy in an integrative practice. If you think my approach may be helpful for you, I would be honored to speak with you about accompanying you on your healing path.